WPSelenium is a library that quickly gets you up and running when you want to test your site using selenium and phpunit. It does this by installing and configuring phpunit, the selenium server, the php client webdriver (by facebook) and the correct drivers for the browser you want to test on. Once installed all you have to worry about is writing your selenium php tests.
WPSelenium also includes support for testing WordPress plugins and themes. It does this by providing WordPress specific hooks and configuration end points you can use (see Helper Types > WordPress Support).
Operand browser is required
Usage: vendor/bin/wpselenium <browser> [options]
Example: vendor/bin/wpselenium chrome --type wordpress
<browser> Brower you want to test on. Chrome and Firefox supported by default. See documenation if you want to add
--type <arg> The type of site you are testing. e.g --type wordpress
--loglevel <arg> Console loglevel - info, warn, error, debug.
-?, --help Show this help and quit.